The main difference is that the method refines the process where the project scope is defined whereas the standard just specifies that this is one of the outputs of the scope-related processes.
Comparison results
The method and the standard are complementary.ISO 10006 je vůbec první standard pro řízení kvality projektů. PRINCE2 je oproti tomu nejpopulárnější metodika. Kdy potřebujeme standard a kdy je lepší metodika? Oba program jsou 2 strany jedné mince.
Podělíme se s vámi o zajímavý materiál jednoho z našich mezinárodních klientů z odvětví automobilového průmyslu.
Absolvovali u nás kurzy PRINCE2, ale i ISO 10006. Právě za pomocí metodiky (PRINCE2) a standardu (ISO 10006), který posloužil jako framework nastavili kompletně projektovou kancelář. Dosáhli tak efektivnějšího systému řízení projektů právě s využitím obou programů. Pro autentičnost necháváme dokument v originále (angličtině). Třeba tento dokument inspiruje i další k maximálním využitíaktuálních možností pro řízení projektů.
Klíčové aspekty
ISO 10006 project definition
Unique process consisting of a set of coordinated and controlled activities with start and finish dates, undertaken to achieve an objective conforming to specific requirements, including constraints of time, cost and resources.
PRINCE2 project definition
A project is a temporary organization that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to an agreed Business Case
the main difference is that the method insists on the fact that specific requirements are from the Business Case. Comparison results: the method and the standard are complementary.
ISO 10006 project scope
The terms of reference are defined as concept and scope in the sub-clause 7.3. called “Scope-related processes”.
PRINCE2 project scope
The project scope is part of the Project Initiation Documentation (P.I.D.) created as an output of the process called “Initiating a Project” in the initiation stage of the project.
The main difference is that the method refines the process where the project scope is defined whereas the standard just specifies that this is one of the outputs of the scope-related processes. Comparison results: the method and the standard are complementary.
ISO 10006 objectives analysis
The standard deals with Objectives in the sub-clause 7.3.2. called “Concept Development” where the customers needs for products are defined.
PRICNCE2 objectives analysis
The method defines the project objectives in the Project Brief as an output of the process called “Starting Up a project” in the pre-project preparation.
The main difference is that the method refines the process where the project objectives in terms of customers’ expectations is defined whereas the standard just specifies that this is one of the outputs of the scope-related processes. Comparison results: the method and the standard are complementary.
ISO 10006 risk analysis
Risk management is described in the sub-clause 7.7. called “Risk-related processes” and is divided into: risk identification, risk assessment, risk treatment and risk control.
PRINCE2 risk analysis
Risk is one of the 7 themes of the method. The purpose of the risk theme is to identify, assess and control uncertainty and, as a result, improve the ability of the project to succeed.
The main difference is that the method insists on the way to communicate on the project risks. Comparison results: the method and the standard are complementary.
ISO 10006 project planning
Project planning is described in the sub-clause 7.4. called “Time-related processes” and is divided into: planning of activity dependencies, estimation of duration, schedule development and schedule control.
PRINCE2 Project planning
Plans are one of the 7 themes of the method. The purpose of the plans theme is to facilitate communication and control by defining the means of delivering the products of the project.
The main difference is that the method is product based planning whereas the standard is activity based planning. Comparison results: the method and the standard are not compatible on project planning.
ISO 100006 evaluation
Project evaluation is described in the sub-clause 8.2. called “Measurement and analysis”.
PRINCE2 evaluation
The purpose of the progress theme of the method is to establish mechanisms to monitor and compare actual achievements against those planned.
The method covers the progress of the project whereas the standard is focused on continual improvement of project management. Comparison results: the method and the standard are complementary.
The PRINCE2 method and the ISO 10006 standards are mainly complimentary based on the analysis above. The recommendation for project management is to implement the method in pilot projects and then complement this project management method with the ISO 10006 processes.